SHILLONG: The CSWO has informed that that the Village of Mawlaho, Ri Bhoi District falling under the Mawhati Constituency which is about 50 kms from Umsning, has been without electricity for the past many months, and even with complaints no one seems to be addressing the situation.
In a statement, CSWO president Agnes Khashiing said that it was also revealed that a transformer which was replaced in the beginning of the year was faulty and worked only for a few weeks, and from that time no one came to get the repairs done.
The CSWO urgesd the MeECL to address the issue immediately so that people in the rural areas are not neglected.
It has also been noticed that the construction work of the road going from Umsning to Jagiroad is in a pathetic condition and it appears that there is a clear case of misappropriation of funds meant for road construction.
The engineer in charge of that stretch of road going from Umsning to Jagiroad, was urged to direct the contractors to immediately repair the roads at the cost of the contractor as is the procedure, or book them for cheating the Government.