SHILLONG: A Seminar on “Management of Contract Labour-Issues & Implications” was organised by Standing Conference on Public Enterprises in association with North Eastern Electric Power Corporation Ltd. (NEEPCO) in city on Tuesday
S. Borgohain, Director(Personnel), NEEPCO, while speaking on the occasion emphasised that liberalisation and globalisation of the country’s economy has brought about a new perspective in the sphere of contract labour.
He also expressed his belief that such seminars will go a long way in infusing an understanding of the real problems faced by contract labourers.
I. Singh, Advocate, Delhi High Court stated that the Government of India has enacted the Contract Labour Act, 1970 to regulate the system and he was of the opinion that the Act could be revisited to adequately serve it purpose to make it more effective.
Akash Deep Chakravarti, Executive Director, DERC and former Joint Secretary, CIC, dwelt on the practical issues concerning Contract Labour, citing specific cases to highlight various points.
M.K.Choudhury, DeputyChief Labour Commissioner, spoke of various aspects of contract labour to ensure parity in wages.