JOWAI: The Acting Chief Justice of Meghalaya High Court, Justice Uma Nath Singh on Friday inaugurated the Court of Judicial Magistrate of First Class at Amlarem.
“The inauguration of the court was part on the state government’s efforts to separate the executive from the judiciary at all levels”, Justice Singh said adding that, “this separation leads to a more streamlined justice delivery system and the people of Amlarem Sub Division will soon see the benefits of this”.
Justice Singh also spoke of the importance of Agriculture in reclaiming the lost forests and rivers of Jaintia Hills and urged the local leaders to take action on this front.
Also present in the function was His Lordship Justice T.N.K Singh, Judge of the High Court of Meghalaya. He spoke about the importance of District Council courts to uphold indigenous laws and traditions and said that the Court in Amlarem Sub Division will speed up the delivery of justice thereby benefitting the people of the sub division.
Local MLA, S. Mukhim who also spoke on the occasion said that the Court will help in the speedy dispensation of pending cases while also reducing the dependence for the delivery of justice on government functionaries.
Others who spoke at the function included WJH District & Session Judge, B. Giri, President Synjuk ki Rangbah shnong, Kolmen. Pohshna, President, Jaintia Bar Association, C.S Kyndiah.
The formal inauguration of the Court Room in Amlarem Sub Division was done by Justice Uma Nath Singh. The function which was chaired by DC In charge WJH, D.M Wahlang. A cultural songs and dances by school children were also performed.
Judicial Magistrate 1st Class of Amlarem Sub Division, AW Lanong delivered a vote of thanks.