SAHAJA YOGA/Surendra Singh
THE FOURTH energy centre is Anahata Chakra or Heart Chakra. It is only through the heart centre that the experience of bliss and the ecstasy of pure love can be experienced. This centre emphasizes the concept of duty; child to the parents, parents to the children, husband to the wife and vice-versa. This is necessary for the integration and preservation of the society. The whole social order has to be preserved, from home to the level of the nation. A society may offer social security but it its aging people know that they have to wind up in an old people’s home, it breeds insecurity. Money cannot buy emotional security. Old age is a kind of childhood where love and care are of paramount importance. Too much stress on individualism has only resulted in loneliness. Love is often misidentified as being restricted to a male and female. Love is the flow of life in all limbs, between children, parents, brothers, sisters, friends, old people, etc.; where many people share and care the whole society opens its heart chakra. It becomes collective and it changes the whole world.
Most problems arise from fear. One with self-confidence has strong defenses which protects against outside negative influences. Fear weakens our natural immunities and renders us vulnerable to all allergies and diseases. The personality grows and shines; when the heart centre is strong. On the other hand palpitation and breast problems arise from insecurity. The heart is the pump of the body, hence any mental or physical excess strains the centre and leads to heart problems in advanced stages.
This chakra controls our breathing, the action of heart and circulation of blood. This chakra is placed behind the sternum in the spinal cord and produces the antibodies till the age of 12 years. These antibodies are circulated into the whole body and fight against infections. Diseases like asthma, heart problems arise due to the weakening of this chakra. A good heart chakra manifests following qualities in an individual- creation, nourishment of antibodies, compassion, and pure love, complete sense of security, confidence, auspicious boundaries, and joy of spirit.
In Sahaja Yoga one can keep his/her heart chakra healthy and free from any disease by awakening his kundalini in a sahaja yoga meditation centre.