Pearl Ahmed of Jackson Road, Lower Lumparing expired on January 23. Her funeral will be held on January 24 at Laban Qabarastan at 1.30 pm.
Joles Nongbet of Pomlum, 7th Mile Upper Shillong passed away on January 22. His funeral will be held on January 24 at 2:30 pm.
Hanboi Bert Passah (Bah Boy), husband of Justina Thabah, passed away on January 23. His funeral will be held at Dong Tpepale, Jowai on January 25 at 3 pm.
Dwiahsibon Warjri, aunt of Ibah Jesswell and a resident of Malki passed away on January 23. Her funeral will be held on January 25 at Malki graveyard.