The West Jaintia Hills Deputy Commissioner has released an amount of Rs.15.92 lakh as payment to families affected by natural calamities and fire incidents under Thadlaskein Block in 2014-15.
The Meghalaya Administrative Training Institute, Shillong, in collaboration with the District Disaster Management Authority, Nongstoin, organized a one-day sensitization-cum-training programme on ‘needs of persons with disabilities during disasters’ on Tuesday. The training touched on disaster management, emergency method of search and rescue operation, fire safety, first aid and considerations for people with disabilities during disasters.
BSF programme
BSF organized a civic action programme for UP school students of Sibbari and Nilwagiri villages in South Garo Hills on Tuesday. Study materials were distributed among 400 students. A water storage drum was donated and toilets were constructed in the schools.
The State Institute of Rural Development will organize an ideating workshop on appropriate and sustainable technologies for rural areas on March 19-20 at the State Convention Centre.