Actress Freida Pinto, who made her red carpet debut at Cannes International Film Festival as L’Oréal Paris Brand Ambassador in 2012, will not be attending the event this year due to prior work commitments.“Freida is a beautiful person and is truly a ‘Woman of Worth’. Our Indian consumers wait to see Freida on the Cannes red carpet. It would have been a pleasure to see her join Aishwarya (Rai Bachchan), Sonam (Kapoor) and Katrina (Kaif) at the French Riviera, but unfortunately she will be giving the event a miss this year. “We definitely hope to have her join the rest of the Indian ambassadors in 2016,” Manashi Guha, general manager of global beauty brand L’Oréal Paris India, said in a statement.The Cannes International Film Festival is scheduled to be held from May 13-24. Katrina is all set to make her red carpet debut at the prestigious festival, joining Aishwarya and Sonam, to represent L’Oréal Paris this year. Aishwarya has been a part of the festival for the last 14 years and Sonam will be walking for the fifth consecutive year for Festival De Cannes. This year they will sport L’Oréal Paris’ Matte or Gloss themed looks on the red carpet. (IANS)