Prime Minister Narendra Modi will launch three ambitious social security schemes pertaining to the insurance and pension sector on May 9 at Kolkata. Simultaneously, the schemes in Meghalaya will be launched by the Chief Minister and Union Minister of State for Agriculture Mohanbhai Kalyanjibhai Kundariya at 5.30 pm on Saturday at the North Eastern Council Auditorium.
To encourage positive mental health SAN-KER will organise a Thanksgiving Concert on May 9 at U Soso Tham Auditorium at 5 pm Chief Secretary, PBO Warjri will be the chief guest on the occasion.
Tagore birth anniversary
Mother’s School will organize the 154th Birth anniversary of Rabindranath Tagore on May 9 at 4 pm. Home Minister Roshan Warjri will be the chief guest on the occasion.
The Shillong Music College will celebrate the Birth anniversary of Rabindranath Tagore on May 9 at Bangiyaa Sahitya Parishad at 5 pm.
The Khyriem clan has demanded the immediate release of KSU president Daniel Khyriem without any conditions.