Itanagar: Arunachal Pradesh Chief Minister Kalikho Pul on Monday appealed to the people to adopt the concept of ‘Swachh Bharat Mission’ with a sense of responsibility and not to treat it as mere government programme.
Speaking to the students of Dera Natung Government College during an event to flag off a walkathon on Swachh Bharat mission, the chief minister said the mission for cleanliness should not be limited only to occasions but must be imbibed in our daily life. Appreciating Prime Minister Narendra Modi for the Swachh mission, Pul said, “Due to Modi’s rigorous campaign on cleanliness, there is a growing awareness in the country – the success of which can be seen in the streets of New Delhi. Today, the city is much cleaner and safe to live.”
On similar line, Pul said he too wants to lead the mission on cleanliness in the state so that he can motivate people to take part in such exercises. He appreciated Governor J P Rajkhowa, for initiating a successful cleanliness campaign in the capital city during the President’s rule in the state. “If we were able to achieve cleanliness during President’s rule, then why not now? Why do we require the authorities to impose the responsibilities which are ours?” he quipped.
“We cannot always look towards Governor, chief minister, chief secretary or deputy commissioner to help us. This city belongs to us and it is we the people who have to take the initiative first,” Pul added.