Prime Minister Narendra Modi has launched a time bound process to improve management of preventable disorders. The focus will be on bringing down mortality and morbidity due to Cancer, Diabetes and Cardio Vascular conditions. Cancer and lifestyle disorders are now causing great many deaths. Gastroenteric conditions, malaria and tuberculosis now have less incidence. The History of Health and Ayush have to come up with the framework of the scheme within three months. The process will achieve completion by the beginning of the next financial year. Special emphasis will be on screening for oral, breast and cervical Cancer. Better management at a pre-malignant stage will be arranged. The National Health Protection Scheme will be in force within six months. Be form of the medical council is due within two months. 3,000 Janau Ushadhi stores will be setup within a month. The Government must refocus on new disorders.
Minister of State for Ayush and the like shaipadnaik claimed that Yoga can cure serious diseases. That includes Cancer. The Government will substantiate the claim with scientific evidence within the year. Yoga plays a significant role in combating Diseases. It also helps in managing existing disorders. It may be advisable to include it in the Health system. But alternative methods cannot be a substitute for modern scientific methods of treatment. Amartya Sen spoke highly of the medical knowledge charak and Susrvt dating back to ancient India. But more importance should attack to latest breakthroughs. Prime Minister Narendra Modi should be complemented for stressing the important fact.