SHILLONG: In an unprecedented gesture, Meghalaya Police on Thursday asked media persons, including personnel from DIPR, to leave the venue of the 23rd Conference of DGsP/IGsP and heads of CPOs of North Eastern States which is being held at the DGP’s office here.
The irony is that the Meghalaya Police had itself invited the media persons to cover the event.
However, on Thursday, as soon the conference began, DGP Rajiv Mehta asked IGP Law and Order, GHP Raju to tell the media persons to leave the conference hall. There was no clarification from the police as to why the media was asked to leave the meeting.
Some media persons had come all the way from Guwahati to cover the event which was also attended by Chief Minister Mukul Sangma and Home Minister Roshan Warjri.
Surprisingly, even the Information and Public Relations personnel, who are the mouth piece of the Government, were also asked to leave the hall.