Actress Priyanka Chopra turned 34 on Monday and Bollywood stars like Alia Bhatt, Abhishek Bachchan and Bipasha Basu along with her US TV “Qauntico” co-star Li Jun Li sent love on her birthday. Fondly called as “Desi girl”, thanks to the hit number from “Dostana”, Priyanka has given critically acclaimed performances in movies like “Fashion”, “Kaminey”, “Agneepath”, “Barfi!”, “Mary Kom” and “Bajirao Mastani”. Here’s what the celebrities tweeted: Li Jun Li: Happy early birthday to this beautiful being @priyankachopra love you girl.
Riteish Deshmukh: Happy Birthday Priyanka Chopra. May you soar higher than ever. Immensely proud of you. Have a stupendous day.
Abhishek Bachchan: Happy birthday Chopps. Hope you have an even better year than the last one. Ppriyanka Chopra big love.
Alia Bhatt: Happy birthday to the super fabulous Priyanka Chopra! You inspire me everyday. Have a killer day. You deserve all of it and more.
Bipasha Basu: Happy Birthday Priyanka Chopra! Hope you are killing it and taking at least a day off to celebrate your birthday. Stay blessed and happy! Love and hugs.
Shraddha Kapoor: Happy birthday rockstar girl! Priyanka Chopra you’re making us all so proud! Keep shining and being your amazing self. (IANS)
‘Coolest desi girl’ Priyanka Chopra turns 34, love from B-Town pours in
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