Ballari/Bengaluru: Five days after the blockbuster wedding of his daughter that raised national eyebrows, mining baron G Janardhan Reddy has come under the scanner of the IT department, which on Monday cracked the whip asking him to explain the expenditure for it and inspected offices of his firms.
The department has served a “questionnaire” on Reddy in respect of the expenditure incurred during marriage functions of Bramhani with Hyderabad businessman Rajeev Reddy and asked him to reply to it on or before November 25, officials said.
The department sleuths, comprising a five-member team pored over the records at the Obulapuram Mining Company and Associated Mining Company owned by Reddy and his family in his hometown of Ballari, they said.
In Bengaluru, the Income Tax department conducted surveys on at least 10 locations of high-end event management firms, catering and multi-media service providers who were engaged for the extravagant wedding. (PTI)