Monday, June 17, 2024

Garo warrior’s death anniv observed


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TURA: The death anniversary of the last great warrior of the Garos, Pa Togan Nengminza Sangma, who with his band of warriors fought the mighty British in an epic battle at Chisobibra 144 years ago, was observed on Monday.
This year’s observance was so far the biggest as the memorial service went beyond the traditional site at Chisobibra to Tura and Tikrikilla.
“Togan was a great warrior who loved his motherland so much that he even sacrificed his life fighting against the oppression by foreign invaders. He was a true patriot,” said GHADC chief executive member Denang T Sangma at Chisobibra on Monday morning.
The programme was held at the cenotaph built in Pa Togan’s memory at Chisobibra. Among the dignitaries who attended the memorial service here were Numal G Momin, the first Garo BJP MLA from Assam, deputy commissioner Hubert B Marak, SP Davis Nestell R Marak, Deputy CEM Augustine Marak, Deputy Chairman of GHADC Mettrinson G Momin and Pa Togan’s clan members.
People from other communities like Hajongs, Koch and Dalus also attended the programme.
The GHADC CEM said Togan Nengminza’s struggle against colonisation should be included in the history syllabus.
The Assam MLA spoke of the BJP government’s efforts to recognise the patriots of the country, including Pa Togan, who died fighting the British on December 12, 1872.
Later, the BJP leaders took out a procession from Chandmari to Captain William Point at Hawakhana with a portrait of Pa Togan Nengminza.
A similar anniversary observance was also held by a group of people in Tikrikilla.


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