Actress Anushka Sharma says she wanted to work with filmmaker Imtiaz Ali since a long time and thats why she instantly agreed to be part of forthcoming film Jab Harry Met Sejal. ‘The first film he (Ali) offered to me, I instantly said yes to it, which is Jab Harry Met Sejal. In fact, I have been wanting to work with Imtiaz for the longest time,’ Anushka said in a statement. ‘So, yes, this (‘Jab Harry Met Sejal’) is something I always wanted to do with Imtiaz and this just seemed like a film which I would really enjoy having a great time, so this is the one film,’ she added. Jab Harry Met Sejal features Anushka with Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan. The film is slated for release on August 4. (IANS)