Arjun kapoor and Parineeti Chopra, who were last seen in Ishaqzaade, will be next seen in Vipul Amritlal Shah’s Namaste Canada. Vipul is donning the director’s hat after seven years. This is the second time that Arjun Kapoor and Parineeti Chopra will be seen together after their debut film Ishaqzaade. Though the title is similar to Akshay Kumar’s ‘Namastey London’, Vipul made it clear that his film is not a sequel to the earlier film. ‘I want to set the record straight. Namastey Canada is not a sequel to Namastey London. I thank Akshay Kumar for standing by me and being graceful about sharing the title with me. Namaste Canada is a fresh plot. It does not have any connection with Namastey London’s story,” he said. On working in the film, Arjun Kapoor said he feels lucky as after working with Amitabh Bachchan and Akshay Kumar and that Vipul has chosen him to play the lead. On coming together with Arjun again, Parineeti said, ‘Namastey Canada is exactly the film I was looking for! It’s desi with a videsi heart (or maybe videsi with a desi heart!). (UNI)