A latest Assamese film, Aamis (Voracious), directed by Bhaskar Hazarika, which is currently in development, has been selected for the prestigious Asian Project Market (APM), the biggest investment and co-production market in the continent which will take place for three days on October 15-17 at Busan, South Korea.
Produced by Poonam Deol of Signum Productions and Shyam Bora of Metanormal Motion Pictures, Aamis is a love story set in contemporary Guwahati, and is a film about empathising with people who make terrible decisions in the pursuit of love.
The project is presently in the pre-production stage and casting for the film is in process, a media statement said.
“APM is a major film market and as an official selection, we will be able to attract attention from global collaborators who can help us achieve international standards of film production. I’m really thankful to the APM and the Busan International Film Festival for continuing to support our work after their post-production grant for our first film Kothanodi in 2015,” Hazarika said.
One of the biggest and most important pre-market for films in Asia, APM offers emerging filmmakers the opportunity to meet international leading film professionals and links them with global film investors, producers and distributors. “This selection is a great honour. We hope to find the right international partners and collaborators at Busan to help bring this unique story from Assam to audiences the world over. Hopefully, APM will be the first of many steps in Aamis’ journey to its eventual release sometime later in 2018” said Producer Shyam Bora from Metanormal Motion Pictures.