SHILLONG: It has been sixteen long years since 125-year-old Burmese teak Meghalaya Legislative Assembly building located at Khyndailad was reduced to ashes in 2001 but the state is yet to have a new building.
Finally, after long delay, the construction work for the new Meghalaya Legislative Assembly building at New Shillong Township is likely to begin from next month.
Speaker of the Meghalaya Legislative Assembly, AT Mondal after a meeting of the High Powered Committee on Monday said that they would try their best to ensure that project takes off next month
Informing that a total number of seven companies participated in the tendering process, Assembly Speaker added that a total number of three companies have been shortlisted for the financial bid based on the technical valuation of the Public Work Department.
The three companies which have been selected include Shapoorji Pallonji Co. & Ltd., Simplex Infrastructure Limited and Shree Gautam Infrastructure Company Limited.
“The financial bid documents will be opened on October 25. The lowest bidder will be awarded with the contract for construction of the project,” He said.
He, however, said that they will have to discuss with the successful bidders as to when they can start the project.
“We have set certain limitations. If the first successful bidder fails to comply with the conditions set by the Government then the second lowest bidders would be given the contract to execute the project,” Mondal said.
The total estimated cost of the project is Rs 141.14 crore and the project should be completed within 3 years from the day commencement of work.
The proposed location for the new Assembly building was changed to multiple locations. In absence of a permanent Assembly complex all these years, assembly sessions were earlier held at the state’s central library auditorium and later it was shifted to arts and culture auditorium within the premises of Brookside in Rilbong.