Two questions are reverberating in the State in recent times. One question is, “ Will we see change?” The other question is, “Will this Govt. last ?” The answer to the first question is “Yes.” I believe there will be change because the legislators began on the right note, that is by praying to God Almighty and Mr Prestone Tynsong acknowledging God’s will in making Conrad Sangma the CM of Meghalaya. And as long as they trust the coalition depends on God’s will there will be a visible change in the type of governance people want, provided the partners are cohesive. Crimes occur because people follow wrong “wills” and agenda. Seems like the game of extortion, kidnapping, killings in encounters ,flesh trafficking , etc. in Garo Hills will soon be over. This Govt, I hope with all my heart won’t handle such elements with kid gloves!
To the second question about the longevity of this Government I will say, “Yes with a big hope.” Scepticism is everybody’s right in such a rainbow coalition where stability is the first casualty. But remember how the UPA-1 led by Dr. Manmohan Singh with just 206 MPS in the House of 542 survived and lasted its full term with a major hiccup on the issue of nuclear deal with USA? Also one BJP Minister, AL Hek is there to ensure the factor of stability and when things starts to go awry ( which I hope not), there is a hard taskmaster at the Centre, Prime Minister Modi who tolerates no “hanky panky business”.
Yrs etc., .
Sonaram M Sangma,
MBOSE Imbroglio!
The MBOSE textbooks replete with errors that are misleading are a matter of great shame. A number of letters in this column have highlighted the errors that are disturbing and distressing for both the parents as well as the students. The question then is why and how could such errors occur? Will the errors be rectified at the earliest possible time? We are talking here of the lives of thousands of our children studying in different schools under the State Board. These children are our tomorrow. They are our future and our pillars of strength. A school is the right place and most appropriate time to mould their minds and shape their characters. But if the source of information is one that is filled with a lot of mistakes then how can we build our tomorrow. Alongside shaping the children’s characters and imparting good and ethical values on them the schools have a stronghold as a platform to strengthen knowledge and information in young minds.
The source of all information come directly from the textbooks prescribed for each class. If dissemination of information is to be accurate the source of information must not and cannot be compromised and have errors. Here in the prescribed textbooks, it is not only the source of information that is gone haywire but even the language used is coarse and loathsome. To add to this is the recent display of callousness or perhaps alarming ignorance. Are they not well versed with the definition of “freedom fighters”? Can those who have randomly inserted those names be so ill informed and casual? It is proper to identify and acknowledge the feat of personalities that have performed deeds worthy to be documented in the history of our State but to simply pick any name with no true worth and significance is a grave mistake.
One shudders at the threat that such reckless, irresponsible and careless behaviour can have on our children. M.B.O.S.E has no right to play with the future of our children. There cannot be any explanation to these hazardous errors just as there cannot be any pardon on those who have made attempts to play with the future of our State. Our children deserve quality and meaningful education based on truth, facts and legitimacy. It is their right and no one can take it away from them!
Yours etc.,
Jenniefer Dkhar,
Via email
Decline in bee population
Native bee populations across different ecosystems are demonstrating an alarming decline with many species being threatened with extinction due to over application of toxic pesticides in agriculture, through pollution, climate change and global warming, parasitic diseases, colony collapse, lack of nectar foraging plants and suitable habitats. Conservation of native bee populations is extremely important from the perspective of agriculture as they are responsible for pollinating several important food and industrial crops. This can have direct and indirect impacts on global crop production, food security and irreparable damages to vulnerable ecosystems. Establishing suitable bee habitats or bee sanctuaries can easily provide extended bee foraging period; as well as quality nesting and foraging opportunities for native bee species and other insect pollinators (honey bees, moths, butterflies and some species of beetles and flies) to thrive in these specially created natural or artificial bee habitats.
Pollinator mixes comprising of annual/ /biennial/perennial bee-friendly, native wildflowers and/or annual/perennial legumes along with warm/cool season forage or native grasses can help in establishing suitable bee habitats in different agro-climatic regions. Pollinator mixes comprising of early, mid and late flowering plant species could be used for extending the bee foraging periods across the seasons to provide a steady and continuous supply of nectar and pollens for different bee species. Diversity of the plant mixes will attract wider diversity of bees and help them to survive under the prevailing conditions. No toxic pesticides should be sprayed in these bee habitats to avoid any form of chemical contamination. Creating artificial bee sanctuaries by using suitable Pollinator mixes can help native bees and other pollinator insects to survive and coexist successfully in nature; and secure the future of agriculture and global food security.
Yours etc.,
Saikat Kumar Basu,
Lethbridge AB Canada