We, the parents of the students of All Saints’ School, are forced to make known our disappointment with the recent decisions of the new principal of the school. The changes she has made in the once privileged institution are causing many problems for the students and parents. The previous principal was a respected figure amongst the students and parents. Unlike the new principal, the former principal was more open to suggestions and complaints from parents. The only positive change in the school is the provision of waste baskets all around the school. One of the major concerns voiced by the students and parents is that the experienced and sincere teachers are being gradually replaced by new, inexperienced and insincere ones. Based on our children’s experience, the new teachers are incompetent and careless in their approach towards teaching. Moreover, according to the parents of nursery and kindergarten children, the school has demanded something like Rs. 2500 as fees for implementation of new technology in the classroom. Parents should have been informed last year about such an unexpected and huge increase in the school fees. As we are concerned about the future of our children, most of us have decided to shift them to other schools as we are no longer happy with the management of the school. If the same Principal continues to manage the school in this way, this institution will soon lose its place as one of the best schools in Shillong.
Yours etc.,
LT Pyngrope,
Via email
Choking city roads
The idea put forward by the city traffic management to explore expert opinion to ease traffic is worth applauding. At least somebody woke up from the hangover of election to examine real civic problems for common good. I feel sorry for the traffic management personnel with their limited workforce and being burdened with behemoth responsibility of easing vehicular movement when space itself is not available. More than expert opinion, political will is needed to adopt disruptive policy measures to ease the ever growing problems. The question of space scarcity is not an isolated problem of our state. When big cities can exhibit road expansion projects even in the current times, then why not our state does the same? When it comes to land acquisition for public good, the government has an upper hand always, provided the parties who have sacrificed their plot and property are adequately compensated with the prevalent market value of that land.
The city road has breached its carrying capacity. It’s now or never for the current government to be brave enough and initiate city road expansion at any cost. They city’s residents also need to be generous to contribute towards the city’s development. The problem is not isolated; it affects the rich and the poor alike since we belong to the same group utilizing common public assets. The hidden economic interest of those along the roadside, who have to part with their property, may pose a challenge for the administration, and this group definitely includes those who are in power either directly or indirectly and who may lobby hard to safeguard their interest, but this is the opportunity for the new government to prove that the confidence of people is not misplaced. Let this government display its legitimacy and genuine commitments to address public grievances in letter and spirit and establish a niche of their own in the political game.
Looking forward to some potential remedy for this problem the first thought in our mind is a series of flyovers, but considering the already congested road space, erecting massive pillars in the middle of the road can add more misery to the existing wound. Traffic snarl in our city springs up mainly along some choking point that is along the signal point. If a traffic personnel raises his hand to stop traffic from one direction, the line ends up extending indefinitely due to the large number of vehicles and the two lane nature of our roads. Hence, our foremost idea to ease the congestion is by construction of multiple lane flyovers above the choking point (e, g, .Dhanketi, IGP, Police bazaar Fire brigade, Anjalee etc), and simultaneous efforts of road widening on either side will definitely will ease the traffic movement.
The other solution may include the already proposed school bus facilities for all schools. This one step has loads of potential in the solution process. The humble attitude of our sensitive parents not to hesitate to let their kids share a common transport leaving behind the comfort and luxury of personal cars would really prove beneficial and in the process allow our children to cultivate the spirit of civic responsibilities. Likewise car pooling amongst the office goers, efficiency in public transport management, like the city bus service, the mini cab etc., could have delivered a lot had their management been bestowed on some effective hands.
Hence though expert opinion is desirable but it’s not the only criteria to fix the current chaos of traffic management in our city. Experts can give opinions but implementation on the ground needs political will and public cooperation could be a boon in the process. A time may arrive when our state will not be remembered as the ‘abode of clouds’ anymore but instead get the moniker of the ‘abode of traffic snarls’ which will haunt visitors and residents alike.
Yours etc.,
Sonie Kharduit