TURA: The Garo National Council (GNC) has strongly opposed the Citizenship Amendment Bill, 2016 saying it will be an open invitation for illegal immigrants from Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Pakistan and other neighbouring countries to India.
“The Bill says, ‘the people of Bangladesh, Pakistan and Afghanistan who are Christian, Sikh, Hindu, Buddhist, Jains and Parish will not be treated as illegal migrants. However to get this benefit, they must have been exempted from the Foreigners Act 1946 and Passport ( Entry India) Act 1920 by the central Government‘. This will make it easier for immigrants to grab lands of the indigenous people of India. The rights and benefits of indigenous citizen of India will be shared to overseas citizens if this Citizens Ammendment Bill 2016 is passed and therefore, we strongly oppose it and extend support to the Meghalaya Government,” Silkigre MDC and Vice President of the Garo National Council, Augustine R Marak said.