SHILLONG: Along with the rest of the country, the employees of Food Corporation of India (FCI) staged a day long dharna on Tuesday at the FCI Regional Office at Mawlai Mawroh Shillong to press the Union Government and FCI headquarters management for demand of wage revision.
The pay revision was with effect from January 1, 2017 in respect of category III and IV employees of FCI.
Speaking to reporters, regional secretary, A.M. Paul said, “Already 17 months have passed the management and the Food Ministry as well as the Finance Ministry has not taken any initiative to finalize our pay revision which is our main demand.”
The employees of FCI asserted that the Food Minister, Government of India failed to fulfill the demand of wage revision.
The employees have exhausted all channels of persuasion but no desired results were visible which compelled the employees to adopt agitation.
The next agitation programmes are day-long dharna at all zonal office and FCI Headquarter on June 19 and June 22, 2018 respectively.
The agitators also decided to boycott Over Time Allowance (OTA) and Work to Rule with effect from June 25 to July 15, 2018 and two days country wide token strike in FCI on July 12 and 13.