At last the central government has expressed disapproval to WhatsApp the instant messaging service company over “irresponsible and explosive messages.” WhatsApp has been warned to prevent the spread of rumours that have incited several instance of violence in the country in the last two months. The Government has also pointed out that such a platform cannot evade accountability and responsibility, especially when good technological inventions are abused by some miscreants who resort to provocative messages which lead to spread of violence.
The baneful effect of social media is under discussion the world over. While social media is meant to connect and communicate, it can also incite violence. PM Narendra Modi is an avid social media user but its time he recognizes his Twitter followers many of whom are vicious trolls. The evil spread by WhatsApp in different parts of India and in our own state of Meghalaya are glaring examples. In Assam two persons were lynched based on rumours that they were child lifters. It is reported that in the last 25 days, there were 14 cases of strangers being attacked of who nine have died in three geographical clusters. Why should a mob kill strangers on mere suspicion? It shows the worst side of mob psychology inflamed by one form of social media or another. It is good that the Supreme Court has cracked down on this and will now hold the states responsible. Social media are known to surpass the use of the other media apart from being addictive with harmful effect on the Gen –X. The inventors of social media in Silicon Valley are themselves getting apprehensive about its pervasive impact starting with the Arab Springs. The PM should not be blind to the cons outweighing the pros in achieving easy informality in communicating with the people straight from the shoulder on a wide range of subjects. Emphasis should be on responsibility.
True, fighting the abuse of social media alone will not altogether prevent mob frenzy which results in public lynching. Civil society and school and community groups should educate the public and strengthen the hands of the police force. The PM needs to speak of the evils or the tendency of the people to take the law in their own hands through use of social media. Crime committed by using social media calls for strict punishment.