Sadak 2, the sequel of Pooja Bhatt’s 1991 hit film Sadak, has been locked for release on November 15, 2019. Mahesh Bhatt and Vishesh Films are presenting Sadak 2, which is produced by Mukesh Bhatt, read a statement. Earlier, Pooja Bhatt, who had starred in the original film with Sanjay Dutt, had said Sadak 2 will deal with the issue of depression. Last year, Pooja had spoken about the new film, and said: “We are making ‘Sadak 2’ in which we are showing Sanjay Dutt in his true and present time (Sanjay Dutt is a Drug Abuse Survivor), so we are dealing with issue of depression in that film but we are making a commercial film. (IANS)