New Delhi: The Health Ministry, led by Jagat Prakash Nadda, on Friday, approved an additional grant of Rs. 18.71 crore under the National Rural Health Mission (NHM) to flood-devastated Kerala. The amount will be disbursed to the village health, sanitation and nutrition committees in the state.
On Thursday, the Central Government also clarified its stand on the Rs. 600 crore financial assistance given to Kerala saying, more funds will be allocated on assessment of the damages of the flood to help those who are affected. Besides, in one of the largest rescue operations, the Centre also pressed 40 helicopters, 31 aircraft, 182 teams for rescue, 18 medical teams of defense forces, 58 teams of National Disaster Response Force (NDRF), 7 companies of CAPFs along with 500 boats to expedite the relief operations in the flood-hit Kerala that witnessed its worst-ever flood in a century. (ANI)