Actress Genelia Deshmukh, who is coming back on the big screen after four years with a cameo in her actor-husband Riteish Deshmukh’s upcoming Marathi film Mauli, says she did not realise for how long she has been away from the cameras. She shook a leg with Riteish in the film’s special Holi track called Surf laavun dhuvun tak, which released on Sunday. Talking about her comeback on screen and working with Riteish after a long gap, Genelia wrote on Instagram: “My God it’s been four years since I was last on screen… Did not even realise it. Thank you Riteish for ‘Dhuvun tak’ and for making sure I did it…had such a blast.”
Four years ago, the Bollywood couple also did a similar cameo in a festive track in Riteish’s debut Marathi film Lai Bhaari. (IANS)