SHILLONG: Shortly after the AICC president, Rahul Gandhi tweeted urging the Government of India to save the trapped miners in East Jaintia Hills while mocking at the PM Narendra Modi for posing for photographs over the Bogibeel Bridge in SAssam on Tuesdsay , the Chief Minister, Conrad Sangma was quick to issue his statement on the entire matter sayin that it is not a time to play politics over the mining mishap
He said that the Situation right now was very difficult in the coal mine in the district and added that almost entire River has come into the mine
Asserting that 12 lakh litres of water have been pumped out , he added that water level was rising and the Government was in process to get high power pump.
“There is no question of calling off the operation and the operation is going to resume a different level now,” he said while adding that the Ministry of Home Affairs is in touch and helping the Government.
He also said that the Government had been continuously trying and giving more efforts in the rescue operations. The operation has remained suspended since December 22 because of want of high power pumps.