Sagar Island: Coming down heavily on the BJP for its proposed Rath Yatras in West Bengal, Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee on Friday said such yatras are typically conducted in the name of God, and not meant to indulge in “danga” (riot). The Supreme Court on Monday declined an urgent hearing on a BJP plea challenging a Calcutta High Court order disallowing its Rath Yatras in the state. “There are yatras for Lord Krishna and Lord Jagannath, we take part in those rath yatras. Those who carry out yatras to kill common people indulge in ‘danga’ yatras,” Banerjee said at a public distribution programme here. “We don’t insult anybody. We respect everyone irrespective of their religious affinity,” she added. The three-phased Rath Yatra, also being called the ‘Save Democracy Rally’, was scheduled to be held this month, covering all the 42 Lok Sabha constituencies in the state. (PTI)