New Delhi: Manoj Arora, allegedly a close aide of Robert Vadra against whom the Enforcement Directorate had sought issuance of open-ended NBW, moved Delhi court on Monday seeking anticipatory bail in connection with a money laundering case. The application is listed for hearing on Tuesday before Special Judge Sunil Rana. ED on Saturday had approached a court here seeking issuance of open ended NBW against Arora. The probe agency’s plea is also listed for hearing Tuesday. The agency had told the court that Arora failed to appear for questioning despite repeated summonses. The ED had further claimed that Arora is a key person in the case. It has alleged that Arora was aware of overseas undeclared assets of Vadra and was instrumental in arranging funds for such properties. Vadra is the brother-in-law of Congress president Rahul Gandhi. An “open-ended NBW” does not carry a time limit for execution unlike other non-bailable warrants. (PTI)