TURA: The District Level Workshop for Ayushman Bharat – Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana (AB- PMJAY) and Megha Health Insurance Scheme Phase – IV was held at Circuit House Conference Hall in Tura on Friday.
It may be mentioned that the AB- PMJAY was announced in February 2018 by Prime Minister, Narendra Modi which aims to provide universal access to good quality health care services without anyone having to face financial hardship and therefore, the Government of Meghalaya has decided to implement the AB- PMJAY with the already existing MHIS Scheme and combining the list of defined medical and hospitalization packages.
Speaking during the programme, West Garo Hills Deputy Commissioner, Ram Singh lauded the efforts of the department for the successful roll out of the Megha Health Insurance Scheme (MHIS) Phase -IV which was pending for some time and hoped that the beneficiaries are benefitted to the maximum with the scheme. On the basic issue of availability of documents by the beneficiaries, he said that there should not be any hurdles while enrolment and suggested to make it easy for the people to enroll.
As the beneficiary registration for the MHIS IV commences from January 2019 in various identified locations throughout the State and in order to ensure the success of the scheme, Singh urged that all the district and block level stakeholders are sensitized on procedures of registration and other measures.
State IT Manager, Skhemjingmut Law presented detail information about the Ayushman Bharat – Pradhan Mantri Jan arogya Yojana (AB-PMJAY) which aims to provide an insurance cover of Rs 5 lakhs per household on a floater basis. It also covers medical and hospitalization expenses for 1395 defined medical packages covering surgery, medical and day care treatment including medical and diagnostics, he added.
Unlike the MHIS I, II and III implemented in the State, the MHIS IV has no family size and age and includes all the family members but the beneficiaries have to register themselves under the scheme to avail the benefit by paying Rs 30 per beneficiary. Individual e-Cards will be issued to the beneficiaries after verification which can be used in any empanelled hospitals in the state, he informed. The target households under MHIS IV has risen to 8,37,283 barring the State and Central Government employees in the State.
Meanwhile, Rahul Kumar, State Head and Yogesh Gautam, Cluster Coordinator from Reliance General Insurance Company also brief the gathering about the provisions of the company which will be the implementing insurance company for MHIS IV in the State.
District Programme Manager, MHIS, West Garo Hills, Vivian Ch Marak presented the implementation of MHIS I, II and III in the state, issues and challenges which has benefitted about 9845 beneficiaries and total amount of Rs. 5,88,10,046 was claimed under MHIS III.
Earlier during the programme, the Deputy Commissioner distributed the Golden Records to the beneficiaries of the district.