has sanctioned four new projects for Rs. 190.46 crores under Swadesh Darshan and Prashad Schemes to the states of Meghalaya, Gujarat and Uttar Pradesh.
Under North East Circuit of Swadesh Drashan Scheme the Ministry has sanctioned Rs 84.92 crore for the project Development of West Khasi Hills for areas which include Nongkhlaw- Krem Tirot – Khudoi & Kohmang Falls – Khri River- Mawthadraishan, Shillong), whereas for Jaintia Hills the tourist locations are Krang Suri Falls- Shyrmang- Iooksi, the areas in Garo Hills are Nokrek Reserve, Katta Beel, Siju Caves in Meghalaya.
The above project focuses on development of lesser known destinations in Meghalaya in the above districts. Through this project the ministry will be developing facilities like Festival Grounds, Tourist Facilitation Centre, Last Mile Connectivity, Public Conveniences, Cable Suspension Bridge, Cafeteria, Trekking Routes, Boating Facilities, Illumination, Solid Waste Management, Drinking Water Facility, Caving Facilities, Visitor Centers, Adventure Sports Activities, Craft Haats etc. in the state.