Ranveer Singh and Ranveer Singh and Alia Bhatt-starrer Gully Boy has made its way into the audiences’ hearts. The film minted Rs. 18.70 crore on its opening day. Indian film critic and trade analyst Taran Adarsh took to his Twitter handle to share the Day 1 collection. According to Adarsh, Gully Boy is expected to only go up from here with positive reviews flowing in. The film became the biggest opener of 2019 beating Uri, Manikarnika and Thackeray.According to Box Office India, the film was bigger than Ranveer’s last two releases—Padmaavat and Simmba. With Gully Boy box office collection, Ranveer has given his second highest opening ever while this is the highest first day earning of a film starring Alia. (ANI)