Actor Boman Irani will Actor Boman Irani will be essaying role of business tycoon Ratan Tata in upcoming film PM Narendra Modi. Boman has started shooting on Sunday in Ahmedabad for the film being directed by National Award-winner Omung Kumar and produced by Sandip Ssingh and Suresh Oberoi, whose son actor Vivek Anand Oberoi will be playing the title role of Modi.”I have always received comments on social media that I resemble Ratan Tata. I always thought the day the character comes along and I will be more than happy to play it,” Boman said.”So when Omung, Sandip and Vivek called me for the role, I immediately agreed to do it. The team is wonderful and Omung is doing a great job, we have already shot my part and it went very well,” he added. (IANS)