Kanchan Shukla lodged a complaint that on April 25 around 2:30 pm, unknown miscreant(s) stole her purse containing cash Rs 4,100 and a diamond ring worth around Rs 37,300, etc., while she was shopping at Police Bazaar.
Amritha M Sangma of Sibbari, South Garo Hills, lodged a complaint that on April 24, her husband Lalit Kishore fled away along with one truck (AS-01DC-2092), along with Rs. 80,000 in cash, ATM cards and other documents.
Ila Deb lodged a complaint that on March 6, three unauthorized money transaction amounting to Rs. 45,500 took place from her savings account without her knowledge.
Masidur Islam lodged a complaint that on April 26 around 9.30 am, Ahman Sheikh, Rahidul, Rahul, Raju and eight others, assaulted him and Karam Sheikh at Bholarbhita village, West Garo Hills. When their relatives, viz., Ashahanara Begum and Aysha Bibi came to their help, the accused persons assaulted them. Two of the accused persons, viz. Rahul and Raju attacked Aysha Bibi and Shri Karam Sheikh with machete causing grievous injuries to them.
Abdul Monab of Borshibanda village, West Garo Hills, lodged a complaint that on April 26 around 9:30 am, a quarrel took place in the village, during which Karam Sheikh and six others assaulted the relatives of the complainant viz., Eliash and Raju, causing injuries to them.
A complaint was lodged that a person namely Amit Paul took a loan of Rs 4,80,000 against Kisan Vikas Patra from Bank of India and as per agreement, the borrower was suppose to repay the loan. However, after repeated reminders, he did not repay the loan and absconded. Since the pledge of Kisan Vikas Patra was done at Sub-Post office, Jowai, the bank has allegedly accused the Sub-Post office along with Amit Paul for fraudulently inducing the bank to sanction the loan.