GHATAL: With two days left for Ghatal constituency to go to polls, the police has seized Rs 1.13 lakh from the vehicle of BJP candidate Bharati Ghosh late Thursday night, a senior police officer said Friday.
The car in which the former IPS officer was travelling was intercepted at Mangal Bar in Pingla area in West Midnapore district at around 11 PM on Thursday, he said.
“Cash amounting to Rs 1,13,815 was seized from Ghosh’s vehicle. We had information that Ghosh was carrying the cash. There were other people in her vehicle. She could not explain the source of the money. We are looking into the matter,” police said.
Ghosh was detained for almost three hours by the district police and questioned in connection with the seizure.
Ghosh, however, denied the allegations and claimed that the amount was for her personal expenses.
“I was carrying only Rs 50,000 on me. I had my convenor and driver in my car. My convenor had around Rs 49,000 with him and the driver was carrying Rs 13,000. I have a bank statement detailing the date and the branch from which the amount was withdrawn,” Ghosh said. (PTI)