Actor Will Smith says Actor Will Smith says he found it stressful and daunting to play the role of Genie in the live-action remake of Disney’s classic Aladdin.The actor felt that the “spectacular” performance the late Robin Williams gave to the role in the 1992 animated original proved to be a very difficult shadow to step out of.”It was quite stressful and daunting. Robin Williams didn’t leave much room to improve on the genie,” quoted Smith as saying. “You know that’s what Robin Williams gave to the genie that was spectacular, and that was the thing that I was working really hard to capture but give it my flavour.”The genie will say anything or do anything, there’s a certain madness to the genie — that was the fun that Robin Williams created. So I was trying to find what that meant, with a little more of a ‘Fresh Prince’ flavour to it,” he added. (IANS)