New Delhi: After the Delhi Police headquarters got a life-sized wall mural of Mahatma Gandhi on its facade, the Lodhi Colony police station is now sporting a vivid painting of the Father of the Nation, along with a phrase from his favourite bhajan “Vaishnava Jana To”. Not far from Lodhi Art District, a popular street art destination, the police station has the painting in vibrant hues of red and blue, with Gandhi’s full-length illustration and a slogan “peed parayi jaane re” (“knowing the pain of others”). Explaining the motivation behind the artwork, Station House Officer Anil Sharma said everyone who knocks at the door of a police station is a troubled soul, and police must be compassionate. “The time has come that policing is done with the same rigour and compassion as any service industry. Gandhiji is the perfect idol and example to showcase tolerance and to prove that help is right at their doorstep,” Sharma, who planned such an activity ever since taking over the police station in January, told IANS here. (IANS)