SHILLONG: Health Minister A L Hek has assured that by next week doctors will be deployed in the Primary Health Centres (PHCs) in Mawhati and Mawlasnai which have been running without them for a long time, KHADC MDC Charles Marngar said on Friday.
Marngar met the health minister and apprised him of the matter and sought his intervention to deploy doctors in the health centres. The minster has given his assurance on the appointment of doctors in the PHCs, Marngar informed.
“There is no medical officer since 2013 in Mawlasnai except an AYUSH doctor,” Marngar said.
Lack of basic amenities such as proper water supply, regular electricity in the health centres are said to be the primary reason for the absence of doctors in the PHCs.
He went on to add that in border areas of Ri-Bhoi, there are no ASHAs.