Actress Alia Bhatt, who is all set to kick start the second schedule of Mahesh Bhatt directorial ‘Sadak 2’, recorded the scratch version for a song which will feature in the film. “It is a romantic number and comes at a crucial point in the film, so Bhatt sir is being meticulous about it. The final track will be recorded only after the unit returns from their Ooty schedule in August,” a source told ANI. “While Jeet Gannguly’s score is ready, the lyrics are still being worked upon. Jeet da wanted to understand Alia’s pitch and voice modulation, so they decided to record the scratch. The lyrics will now be rewritten under the supervision of Mahesh Bhatt,” the insider added. The film, which is a remake of the 1991 blockbuster of the same name, will feature Alia and Aditya Roy Kapur in the pivotal character. The actors will share the screen space with Sanjay Dutt and Pooja Bhatt, lead actors of the original flick. The plot of the upcoming film is yet to be disclosed. The film is slated to hit the big screens on March 25, 2020. (ANI)