Actor Parineeti Chopra says she would never try to compete for the title of ‘desi girl’ in Bollywood as it belongs to her sister Priyanka Chopra. Priyanka has been called ‘desi girl’ ever since she featured in the chartbuster song of the same name in Dostana. At the song launch of her next Jabariya Jodi, set in Bihar, co-starring Sidharth Malhotra, Parineeti was praised for her “desi avtar.” When asked if she is on her way to become the next desi girl, Parineeti told reporters, “What can I say? I think there can be only one desi girl in this world, in the industry. I would not even try to compete (with Priyanka). But we both (Sidharth and I) are very much desi in this film.” (PTI)