Rajkummar Rao is impressed by the professionalism and hardwork of newcomer Janhvi Kapoor, who is sharing screen space with him in Rooh-Afza. Shooting on the horror comedy is currently underway in Agra after the crew completed their Manali schedule. The Hardik Mehta-directed film marks maiden collaboration between Rajkummar and Janhvi. Talking about his experience of working with the young actor, Rajkummar said in a statement, “Janhvi is phenomenal. She is such a sincere and hardworking actor. I think what we have seen her in Dhadak ‘is just a hint of her talent, she is way more talented than that.” Co-produced by Dinesh Vijan and Mrighdeep Singh Lamba, the film revolves around a singing ghost who puts grooms to sleep so it can possess their brides. It is scheduled to be released in March 2020. (PTI)