Actors Anil Kapoor, Rajkummar Rao, Bhumi Pednekar, Anushka Sharma and filmmaker Shekhar Kapur were among numerous Bollywood celebrities who congratulated ace sprinter Hima Das for clinching five gold medals in Europe over the month of July. The 19-year-old athlete’s latest gold medal win came on Saturday in Prague, where she clocked a season-best timing of 52.09 seconds, to win the gold in the 400m race at the Nove Mesto nad Metuji Grand Prix. Her personal best is 50.79 seconds, which she recorded at the 2018 Asian Games.
Actress Anushka Sharma said Hima is a “huge inspiration to young girls”.
“19 days, 5 gold medals, 1 golden girl! Congratulations Hima! You are an exemplary example of solid grit and determination and a huge inspiration to young girls,” Anushka wrote.
Anil Kapoor wished, “Congratulations on winning the 5th gold, Hima. Your act of kindness towards Assam is an inspiration to us all. A great athlete with a heart of gold. Wishing you all the more success! India is proud of you,” he tweeted.
Bhumi Pednekar called Hima “unstoppable” while RajKummar Rao, congratulation the athlete and saying how exctremely proud we all are about her feat, tweeted that she was “an inspiration”.
Comedian Kapil Sharma called Hima a star. “Hima, we are so so so proud of you, little girl. Keep shining like a star always.”
“Congratulations Hima on (your) fifth gold medal in just 19 days. (You continue) making India proud,” tweeted Mallika Sherawat.
Actor Riteish Deshmukh urged people to take inspiration from Hima. “If this doesn’t inspire you …what will ? Fifth gold!!! What a superstar you are, Hima. You are truly India’s Pride. Congratulations.” (IANS)