TURA: West Garo Hills Deputy Commissioner Ram Singh Wednesday suggested the banks from the region to put a relaxation on KYC verification norms, especially for the rural people, while opening their accounts in their respective banks.
The deputy commissioner was speaking on the sidelines of the ‘Orientation-cum-Workshop’ programme on NRLM which was held at the DRDA Conference Hall in Tura on Wednesday.
The programme was organised with an aim to improve the National Rural Livelihood Mission (NRLM)-Self Help Group (SHG) lingkage in the Garo Hills region during which, the functions of the Deendayal Antyodaya Yojana- National Livelihood Mission (Day NRLM) was highlighted for bankers from the region.
While addressing the representatives of different banks in the region, Singh informed that NRLM is a flagship programme of the Centre which aims to reduce the poverty by building strong institutions of the poor, particularly women.
He urged the bankers to facilitate the community-based programme and to help in uplifting the economy of the people of the region.
In view of various problems faced by the people, he suggested the relaxation of KYC verification norms, especially for the rural folks while opening their accounts in their respective banks.