Actress-entrepreneur Shilpa Shetty-Kundra confesses she cannot swim. Shilpa on Friday took to Instagram to share a video that shows her taking swimming lessons.”Today was an incredible feeling. An honest confession: ‘I can’t swim’. I have tried so many times to learn, trust me, but in vain. So I’m not a water-baby. But today I felt like a child in a mother’s womb. (I) Had to share this with you. The smile on my face is proof of the bliss I felt to just be able to float,” she captioned the image. The 44-year-old actress said that it is important for one to let go of one’s fears. “To let go of our fears and trust is what we find hardest,” she added. She became a global figure after winning the 2007 edition of the British reality television series Celebrity Big Brother 5, following an international racism controversy. (IANS)