National Award-winning actor Akshay Kumar has made it to the fourth position on the ‘Forbes’ magazine’s Worlds Highest-Paid Actors Of 2019 list, beating Hollywood stars like Bradley Cooper, Adam Sandler and Will Smith.
According to the list on, which covers the timeline from June 2018 to June 2019, Akshay has raked in $65 million (approximately Rs. 467 crore) .
The actor, has been been on a roll in Bollywood, with almost all his recent films crossing the Rs 100-crore mark. Between 2018 and 2019, Akshay was seen in films such as Pad Man, Gold, 2.0, Kesari and Mission Mangal.
Akshay made his acting debut with a small role in the 1987 filmmaker Mahesh Bhatt’ Aaj. He then appeared as the lead actor in Saugandh and rose to fame with the suspense thriller Khiladi, which tagged him as Bollywood’s very own ‘Khiladi’.
Hollywood star Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson topped the Forbes list, collecting 89.4 million (almost Rs 640 crore) between June 1, 2018, and June 1, 2019.
Australian actor Chris Hemsworth took the second spot with $76.4 million ( about Rs. 549 crore) – one of many actors from Marvel’s superhero universe.
The magazine’s list also covers the timeline from June 2018 to June 2019, during which the highest grossing films of all time “Avengers: Endgame” was also released.
The Thor star is followed by most of the Avengers stars — Iron Man Robert Downey Jr. at No. 3, Rocket Bradley Cooper in sixth, Captain America Chris Evans in eighth and Ant Man Paul Rudd at the ninth spot.
Others named are Jackie Chan, Adam Sandler and Will Smith. (IANS)