TURA: Meghalaya Chief Minister, Conrad Sangma was on Tuesday urged to facilitate the extension of the Meghalaya Transport Corporation (MTC) Day bus service from Shillong to Rajabala in order to cater to the travelling needs of the larger population from the region.
The current MTC day bus service runs from Shillong to Phulbari and back on the next day with the departure from Phulbari fixed at 5 am. However, there were complaints from the general public that due to the long distance from Phulbari to Rajabala and Gomaijhora, which are more than 10 kilometres away, people residing in the two areas are unable to catch the early morning bus from Phulbari.
In this regard, a memorandum was submitted by the All Meghalaya Minority Students’ Union (AMMSU) to Chief Minister Conrad Sangma urging him to facilitate the extension of the current bus service to Rajabala.
“The general public from Rajabala and Selsella constituencies are facing hardships due to unavailability of bus service other than the current bus service from Shillong to Phulbari. We would like to request you as well as the MTC authority to provide bus service from Shillong to Rajabala instead of the existing Shillong to Phulbari,” the AMMSU said in its memorandum.
Stating that the move in this direction would also generate more revenue to the government in the future, the union urged that immediate action is taken in this regard.