TURA: Job card holders of Burirjhar VEC under Demdema Block in West Garo Hills have alleged misappropriation of MGNREGS funds in connection with a village project by its VEC Secretary and urged the concerned authority not to release the bill without conducting a spot inquiry.
According to the job card holders who filed two separate complaints to the BDO of Demdema Block, VEC Secretary, Md Manikchand Sk misappropriated the MGNREGS funds vide work order No. DDB/1/MGNREGS/WO/18-19/233 Dt. 14th January-2019.
The total amount sanctioned for the project was Rs 24,35,500/- including wages and materials for work, out of which only Rs 50,000/- was utilized for the project.
“We requested him to undertake the work according to the estimate but he (Md Manikchand Sk) did not pay heed to our request. He has already submitted the bill but we request you not to release the bill without conducting a spot inquiry again,” two separate petitions to the BDO signed by a total of 45 job card holders stated.
The job card holders also sought stern action against the VEC secretary pointing out that his corrupt action would in the long run hamper development in the village.