Jamie Lee Curtis is all set to produce a military drama Chain of Command in collaboration with April Fitzsimmons and Berlanti productions which has received a put pilot order at Fox. The Chain of Command revolves around a young Air Force investigator who heads back to her hometown to be a part of a military task force, which is unwilling to take her. The character also has a strained family history which she must uncover to face the secrets that drove her away. Fitzsimmons, an Air Force veteran, and Curtis herself worked on the plot with former writing the story. There might be a possibility that Curtis might act in the series as well. April has previously collaborated with Berlanti productions on military dramas Valor and Doom Patrol. This marks the second year in a row that Lee has set up a project at one of the broadcast networks. Last year, she produced a sitcom about a family-run funeral home. (ANI)