SHILLONG: Meghalaya Police in collaboration with NIT, Meghalaya and St. Anthony’s College on Saturday conducted the 2nd Round of 1st Meghalaya Police Hackathon Event, 2019 at NIT Meghalaya here.
The theme for this Hackathon Event was “Technology for Safety And Security” with an aim to associate young innovators from various fields to develop practical applications that would help to tackle crime, manage law and order and to ensure safety and security of the people.
A total number of 16 teams participated in the event and presented their concept papers in front of an expert panel. The technical solutions proposed by the participants include tackling crime against women and children, traffic management, parking management in Shillong, database for the purpose of investigation and monitoring of fake news.
The emerging areas such as Internet of Things and Machine Learning were also discussed during the event.
The event was inaugurated by Herbert G Lyndoh, ( SP – CID). The panel members comprised of Priyanshu Pandey, ( Additional SP SF 10), Giri Prasad M, ( SDPO Sohra,East Khasi Hills), Dr. Yogita ( Head of the computer science department – NIT Meghalaya besides officers from CID Meghalaya Police and Faculties from NIT Meghalaya were also present during the event.
The final round of hackathon will be held in the month of February 2020 where the participants will showcase the applications developed by them after which the winners will be selected by the panel of experts.
The winners will be given a cash prize and commendation trophy by the Director General of Police, Meghalaya.
It may be mentioned that Meghalaya Police is one among the few State Police Forces to conduct the Hackathon with the vision of collaborating with young engineers to tackle crime ensuring safety and security of the people.