Months after separation from Miley Cyrus, actor Liam Hemsworth seems to have a new woman in his life. The actor was clicked introducing model Gabriella Brooks to his parents during a visit to Byron Bay, Australia, reported a magazine. In the photos from the outing, the Killerman actor was seen dressed casually in a plain grey t-shirt and dark sunglasses. The model was also seen hugging Liam’s mother Leonie Hemsworth, the outlet said in its report, adding that the group later had lunch together. The actor’s representative is yet to comment. In August this year, less than one year after marriage, Liam and Miley parted ways. In October, Liam was spotted ‘Dynasty’ actress Maddison Brown while Miley had romanced Kaitlynn Carter after her divorce and is now dating musician Cody Simpson. (ANI)
Is model Gabriella Brooks the new woman in Liam Hemsworth’s life?
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